Agriculture College


Al-Muthanna University - College of Agriculture

Scientific section
Morning studies students
Evening studies students

Plant Protection Department

Head of Department
Dr. Ali Faraj Jubair



Doctorate: PhD: College of Agriculture, University of Kufa
MA: Master: College of Agriculture, Al-Muthanna University
Bachelor’s degree: Bachelor’s degree: College of Agriculture, Al-Muthanna University
Phone: 07817217751

Department decision
Dr. Ali Ajeel Jassem Al-Haidari


Department decision
Dr. Ali Ajeel Jassem Al-Haidari

PhD: Ph.D. field crops
Master: Field Crops
Bachelor of Science: Agriculture
Phone: +9647815706676

About the department:- 


The department was established since the establishment of the College of Agriculture in the academic year 2005-2006 and received (30) male and female students. The department graduated in the year 2009-2010 the first batch of agricultural engineers who are able to contribute to solving agricultural and environmental problems. The department continues to receive its increasing students day after day. The department holds a bachelor’s degree in agricultural sciences and a master’s degree in prevention specializations (plant diseases, entomology, botany and pesticides). The employees of the prevention department actively contribute to the activities of the Agricultural Consulting Office by providing many consultations in the control of agricultural pests, especially in the control of termites in buildings, and control Pests in protected and exposed cultivation. The graduates of the Prevention Department have demonstrated high efficiency and outstanding success in practical life, as there is no agricultural project, whether it belongs to the public or private sector, from a graduate of the Prevention Department. We all hope that the scientific march of the department will develop in order to achieve progress for our dear country with the help of God Almighty.

Department message:-

The department’s mission is to apply high and modern educational systems to prepare a generation of agricultural engineers and researchers capable of solving all problems related to agricultural production, as well as carrying out studies and scientific research that would raise the scientific and applied level of cadres specialized in the field of plant protection.
Section view
The Plant Protection Department aspires to be the best in learning and scientific research, providing valuable scientific advice and consultations that contribute to raising agricultural crops to the highest levels and protecting crops from the danger of the many pests that threaten them for the benefit of society.

Department objectives:

1 . Spreading knowledge among the layers of society about the importance of the safety of agricultural products, such as being free from diseases, pesticide residues, etc.
2 . Carrying out scientific research that contributes to finding alternative solutions for the use of pesticides.
Developing agricultural awareness and workers in the field of agriculture and disseminating modern information to obtain the best agricultural products.
3 . Cooperate with other governmental agencies such as the extension and research center and the directorates of agriculture in Al-Muthanna governorate in order to exchange experiences and knowledge and learn about the latest developments in the field of agriculture and plant protection.

Academic description
self evaluation
Research publication of the department
Scientific calculations for the department's teachers

Graduates within the prescribed period


total alumni


Morning studies students


The number of teachers