Agriculture College


Al-Muthanna University - College of Agriculture

Scientific section
Morning studies students
Evening studies students

Desertification Department

College of Agriculture, Al-Muthanna University

Head of Department
Name: Dr. Falih Hamed Kassar

Ph.D.: Agricultural machinery and equipment
Master: Agricultural Machinery and Equipment
Bachelor of Science: Agricultural Machinery and Equipment
Phone: 07803143789

Department decision
Name :- Dr. Bashar Mizher Haloul Bashar

PhD: Agronomy, Soil Chemistry
Master: Agronomy, Soil Chemistry
Bachelor of Science: Scientific Agriculture
Phone: 07819739799


About the department


Based on the approval of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research under the letter of the Department of Studies, Planning and Follow-up No. C.M. 3/3/4153 on 8/9/2016 and according to University Order No. 7152 on 10/28/2015, to become the fifth section within the structure of scientific departments affiliated to College of Agriculture – Al-Muthanna University. The department received the first batch of students for the first stage, which numbered 45 students for the academic year 2016/2017. A number of teachers from the Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources and those with specializations related to the scientific directions of the Department of Combating Desertification have been nominated.
The department seeks to contribute effectively to achieving the mission of the College of Agriculture, represented by the dissemination and application of scientific knowledge related to the efficient management of natural resources in order to provide food and sustainable agricultural development while preserving the environment from degradation processes, whether natural or that accompany the use of land for various purposes by man. It is also interested in preparing qualified cadres for the development of agricultural production and community service by conducting applied research to find solutions to the problems of society in the agricultural field, especially in the field of land management affected by the various manifestations of desertification.
Department’s future goals


Department goals


1 . Developing applied scientific courses that meet the requirements and needs of the community represented in how to use and maintain soils
2 . Preparing and graduating specialized scientific cadres in the field of land use and combating desertification.
3 . Keeping pace with development and expansion plans in the reclamation of desert lands, which require special skills compared to lands not affected by desertification.
Increasing the yield from the land and water unit, with a focus on rationalizing water use, especially under conditions of water scarcity.
4 . Adopting remote sensing technology and geographic information systems in the field of inventorying and identifying lands affected by desertification in order to determine the appropriate administrative means to limit its spread and how to use it.Integration with the disciplines, capabilities, and resources available in the college, university, research centers, other universities, and other state departments.

Academic description
self evaluation
Research publication of the department
Scientific calculations for the department's teachers

Graduates within the prescribed period


total alumni


Morning studies students


The number of teachers