Agriculture College


Al-Muthanna University - College of Agriculture

Scientific section
Morning studies students
Evening studies students

Vision, mission and goals

College location:- The College of Agriculture is located in the center of Al-Muthanna Governorate (Samawah) in the small greenhouse, the educational area, within the site of Al-Muthanna University

About the college: The College of Agriculture / Al-Muthanna University was established in 2005 in the city of Samawah, and studies began in the academic year 2005-2006, when the number of students admitted to it reached 49 students, in two departments: Livestock and Plant Production (Plant Protection), and then the Department of Soil and Water Resources was created in the academic year 2008- 2009, then the Department of Field Crop Sciences in the academic year 2009-2010. Thus, the number of departments in the college is four scientific departments that are qualified to prepare students and provide them with the latest advanced agricultural knowledge and skills. In the academic year 2010-2011, a master’s study was introduced in the Department of Plant Production, in addition to the development of a master’s study in the Department of Livestock in the academic year 2013-2014. The number of graduates in Initial studies are more than 390 students, and the number of graduates who hold a master’s degree is (11) students. The college includes two stations for research and agricultural experiments.

College message: Providing an applied academic climate that encourages the student to learn and develop his abilities and culture through a self-learning approach that involves the student acquiring educational and research skills within the system of modern knowledge in various agricultural disciplines, the ability to innovate, self-education and competition in the labor market, and providing opportunities to enhance the participation of faculty members, researchers and people with Experience with their capabilities to provide society with scientific cadres capable of meeting the needs of the labor market, agricultural and environmental development, while providing opportunities to provide consultations and implement studies in a way that contributes to the economic and social development of the country.

College vision:- Achieving the mission of Al-Muthanna University towards excellence and creativity in teaching, scientific research and community service in the agricultural fields within the framework of scientific, cultural, ethical and social principles and values, and that the college possesses the means and tools of leadership in the development and development of agricultural areas within the geographical reality of the university.

College goals: Developing students’ knowledge through mixing theoretical and applied studies and training to graduate effective specialists for the advancement of the national agricultural sector, while qualifying postgraduate students. Developing scientific programs in the college in the light of contemporary scientific trends, as well as interest in self-education and continuing education. Preparing qualified graduates who are able to contribute to public projects and their own projects, manage agricultural projects, extension and agricultural education through the knowledge, intellectual, innovative experiences and skills they acquire in the college and the ability to implement agricultural research. Establishing and implementing research plans to solve current agricultural problems in line with scientific developments, environmental protection and community service. Developing current and future courses on a regular basis, taking into account the progress made in the research and academic field and the international quality requirements. Developing education and scientific research strategy to meet the needs of the surrounding environment, labor market and society. Strengthening and developing the basic and institutional infrastructure by providing it with everything new in the fields of specialization to achieve the goals of the college. Emphasis on quality programs to raise and improve performance rates and skills in education, research, community service and environmental development. Seek to reach the college programs to academic accreditation.