Within the framework of scientific cooperation between Iraqi universities, Prof. Dr. Baqir Al-Rubaie, the teaching professor at the College of Agriculture – University of Muthanna, chaired the discussion committee for the master’s student, Mr. Manaf Abdul Hamid Muhammad in the College of Agriculture, University of Basra. After extensive scientific discussions, the thesis was approved. A thousand congratulations to the university, the college, the department, the supervisor, the student and his family..
In beautiful words, Prof. Dr. Baqir Al-Rubaie said to the University of Basra and the people of Basra
(A thousand thanks to Basra, all of Basra, its people, its people, its palms and its soil.. the people of Basra are the people of loyalty and love.. the people who showered us with the flood of their love and their enduring generosity.. (and they say to me.. why do you love Basra..??)