An intlaq competition targeting Iraqi university students who are passionate about entrepreneurship or have emerging ideas or projects.
This program is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research by the Private Sector Development and Employment Enhancement Project of the German Agency for International Cooperation, co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Union and this year with the support of Zain Iraq and Karim from the private sector.
The competition consists of several stages:
The first stage: the registration stage for the launch competition, which will continue until the 27th of January.
The second stage: Announcing the participants who will qualify for the basic workshops.
The third stage: the basic two-day workshops.
Fourth stage: identifying the best ideas for projects from each university.
Fifth stage: Selecting a starting committee for the best 15 ideas to qualify for the advanced workshops.
The sixth stage: the advanced workshops, which will be online for a month.
Seventh stage: Final day and selection of winners.
If you are a male / female / university student and you have the desire and interest, fill out the form!